Umbilical hernia surgery
Umbilical hernia surgery is a surgical procedure used to repair a hernia in the umbilical region. There are unilateral and bilateral umbilical hernias, depending on whether the hernia is present only on one side or on both sides of the umbilicus.
In unilateral umbilical hernia, the hernia is present only on one side of the umbilicus. The surgical procedure to repair a unilateral umbilical hernia typically involves reinforcing the defect in the abdominal wall to prevent further protrusion of tissue through the umbilical region.
Bilateral umbilical hernia is characterized by the presence of hernias on both sides of the umbilicus. The surgical procedure to repair bilateral umbilical hernia involves the same principles as for unilateral hernia but is applied to both sides of the umbilicus.
Candidates for umbilical hernia surgery are usually patients who have a hernia in the umbilical region causing symptoms such as swelling, pain, or discomfort. Before surgery, patients will typically undergo an examination to confirm the diagnosis and assess suitability for the surgical procedure.
Preparation for umbilical hernia surgery usually involves examination and diagnostic tests to determine the exact location and severity of the hernia. Before the procedure, the patient may need to undergo bowel preparation, stop taking certain medications, and fast for several hours before the surgery.
During umbilical hernia surgery, the surgeon accesses the hernial defect (site of protrusion of tissue) through an incision in the abdominal wall. Hernial tissues are then returned to their normal position, and the defect is repaired by placing a mesh implant to strengthen the abdominal wall.
The results of umbilical hernia surgery are usually very good. Patients can expect a reduction in hernia symptoms and an improvement in quality of life after surgery.
After umbilical hernia surgery, patients should follow their surgeon's instructions to ensure successful recovery. This may include limiting activities during the first few days, taking prescribed pain medications, as well as changes in dietary habits to prevent constipation and facilitate recovery.

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