Dental veneers, also known as dental laminates or tooth veneers, are thin custom-made shells typically crafted from porcelain or composite materials that are permanently bonded to the front surface of teeth. They are used to enhance the appearance of teeth and address various aesthetic issues.

Candidates for dental veneers usually include individuals with aesthetic concerns such as: Discolored or stained teeth. Crooked or unevenly shaped teeth. Worn down teeth. Minor gaps between teeth. Slight irregularities in bite.
Preparation for the treatment typically involves a consultation with a dentist to assess the need for veneers and discuss the patient's expectations. During preparation, the dentist often takes X-rays and impressions of the teeth to precisely fabricate the veneers.
The actual veneer treatment usually looks like this: 1. Tooth Preparation: First, the dentist will prepare the teeth by removing a thin layer of enamel from the front surface of the teeth. This is necessary to create space for the veneers. 2. Impressions: After tooth preparation, impressions are taken to create models for crafting customized veneers. 3. Veneer Fabrication: The veneers are created in a laboratory according to the impressions and patient's specifications. 4. Veneer Placement: Once the veneers are ready, the dentist will bond them to the prepared teeth using dental adhesive or other bonding agents. 5. Adjustment and Final Finishing: The veneers are adjusted to match the color, shape, and bite of the patient.
The results of dental veneers typically include an improved appearance of the teeth and the patient's smile. The teeth will look natural and attractive, and veneers provide durability and stain resistance.
Precautions after veneer placement include regular oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing, to maintain the results and ensure the longevity of the veneers. It's also important to follow the dentist's instructions and attend regular dental check-ups to preserve the health of the teeth and veneers.
ZagrebMed patient reviews
It can happen that the veneer breaks if it is hit with a very solid, heavy object - a bottle, a glass, as well as a natural tooth.
It can.
It can.
When veneers are placed, it is very important that the back surface of the teeth is healthy and that there are not many fillings. The veneer is connected on the back side of the tooth with healthy tooth tissue, there must be no large fillings. The tooth must not be treated, it must be a healthy tooth, vital, with a nerve.
The durability of the veneers is long. If treated normally, it can last until we begin to change. The veneers change when a person begins to change. With age, the gums recede, the veneer becomes visible, and then it is assessed whether the veneer should be replaced or not.
Veneers are minimally invasive prosthetic replacements. The tooth must be ground from the front, a little incisal edge and from the side to better grip the veneer on the tooth.
They can last quite a long time, it is important that they are well maintained.
The veneers certainly have to be changed during life.
The most normal, like ordinary teeth. They are cleaned with a brush, paste, thread or shower.

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