In the treatment of more severe forms of male infertility and azoospermia, we apply the following methods: TESE, PESA, TESA
Testicular aspiration (TESA) is a simple procedure for obtaining sperm in men with azoospermia, especially in cases of obstructive azoospermia. Still, it can also be used successfully in some forms of non-obstructive azoospermia. The testicular puncture is performed without local anesthesia, and the procedure itself takes a short time (usually 10-15 seconds). If enough sperm are in the aspirate, fertilization continues in the IVF laboratory using the ICSI method.
PESA, or percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration, does not require a surgical incision. In this case, the scrotum is punctured (directly through the scrotal skin) using a special needle, and the aspirate is sucked out, which is then sent for laboratory processing.
Testicular extraction (TESE) or testicular biopsy is a surgical procedure used to extract semen from testicular tissue. It is based on opening the scrotum and surgically removing a small portion of testicular tissue, which is then examined in the laboratory. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and usually involves the removal of tissue from both testicles to increase the likelihood of finding sperm.

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