Fibrinogen is a protein involved in blood clotting. Under the action of other clotting factors, fibrinogen is converted into fibrin, which forms clots and prevents blood loss. It is produced exclusively in the liver, and its elevation can be associated with inflammation, tumors, injuries, and burns. Elevated levels of fibrinogen can be normal during pregnancy.
You need this test if you want to check if your blood clotting is normal, if you are preparing for surgery, if you are taking or planning to take oral contraceptives, if you have rheumatic or vascular diseases, if you have an acute or chronic liver disease, or if you have experienced significant blood loss (acute bleeding).
For this test, you must fast (as eating a meal shortly before blood collection can cause lipemia, which may interfere with the measurement of fibrinogen).
To determine fibrinogen levels, blood is drawn from a vein.
The results are available the same day.

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