Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells, representing the penultimate stage in the maturation of erythrocytes, also known as young erythrocytes.
A decreased number of reticulocytes indicates ineffective erythrocyte production and can occur in anemia due to deficiencies in iron and vitamins (B6, B12, and folate), as well as in anemia associated with chronic diseases (such as chronic inflammation, tumors, chronic kidney disease, endocrine disorders, or aplastic anemia).
An increased number of reticulocytes is an indicator of successful anemia treatment.
Determining reticulocytes is particularly important in diagnosing anemia (a condition characterized by a reduced number of erythrocytes and/or decreased hemoglobin concentration in the blood).
No special preparation is required.
To determine reticulocytes, blood is drawn either from a finger or from a vein.
The results are available the same day.

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