Anti-HBs (hepatitis B)

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Anti-HBs is an antibody produced in response to the hepatitis B virus. It is used to monitor chronic hepatitis B and its treatment, as well as to assess the response to vaccination. Hepatitis B is a condition characterized by inflammation and enlargement of the liver, caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV is the most common cause of acute hepatitis and the most widespread cause of chronic viral liver infections. The virus is transmitted through infected blood or sexual contact. Chronic hepatitis B can sometimes lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.


You should get this test if you have received the hepatitis B vaccine and need to check the level of protective antibodies, if you have symptoms of hepatitis or have been at risk of HBV infection, if you have chronic liver disease due to another cause, if you are being treated for hepatitis B, if you are an intravenous drug user or practice unprotected sex. Additionally, testing is recommended if you experience symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, pale stool, jaundice, if you are pregnant, infected with HIV, or have been in close contact with individuals with hepatitis B.


No special preparation is required.


For this test, a blood sample is drawn from a vein.


The results are available on the same day.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator