Complete urinalysis
A complete urine examination includes macroscopic, chemical, and microscopic analysis. The macroscopic examination determines the appearance and color of the urine, while the chemical analysis is conducted using test strips. Testing the urine with test strips provides quick and simple information about glucose metabolism, kidney function, acid-base balance in the body, the possible presence of bacteria, and the concentration of dissolved substances in the urine. The microscopic examination of the sediment obtained by centrifuging the urine can reveal the presence of blood cells in the urine, including erythrocytes and leukocytes. The sediment may also show renal cells, cells from the external genital area, bacteria, crystals, salts, mucus, etc. The presence of some of these sediment elements can indicate diseases of the kidneys and/or urinary tract.
A complete urine examination is necessary when symptoms of kidney and urinary tract diseases appear (such as severe pain, frequent and painful urination, presence of blood in the urine, etc.), during your regular annual health check-up, and if you are pregnant, during each gynecological examination throughout pregnancy.
No special preparation is required.
For a complete urine analysis, the first-morning urine should be provided, specifically the midstream portion, after performing a prior cleansing of the external genitalia.
The results are ready on the same day.

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