Urine culture
A urine culture is a laboratory test used to detect and identify bacteria or fungi in urine that can cause a urinary tract infection (UTI). This test is crucial for diagnosing UTIs, determining the type of microorganisms causing the infection, and selecting the appropriate antibiotics for treatment.
Candidates for a urine culture include: Individuals with UTI symptoms: Including frequent urination, burning or pain during urination, cloudy or bloody urine, and lower abdominal or back pain. Individuals with recurrent UTIs: People who have frequent urinary tract infections. Individuals with complicated UTIs: When the infection does not respond to initial treatment or in people at higher risk for complicated infections (e.g., pregnant women, diabetics, immunocompromised individuals). Preventive screening: For certain medical procedures or in patients with a catheter.
Hygiene: Before collecting the sample, thoroughly wash the genital area with water to reduce the possibility of contaminating the sample.
Midstream collection: It is recommended that urine be collected using the midstream method. This means first passing a small amount of urine into the toilet, stopping the stream, and then collecting the midstream urine in a sterile container.

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