EMG (electromyography) of the upper and lower limbs

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EMG (electromyography) of the upper and lower limbs is a diagnostic test used to assess the function of muscles and nerves in the upper and lower extremities. This test can help detect issues such as neuropathies, radiculopathies, muscle diseases, and other neurological or muscular disorders.


Candidates for EMG of the upper and lower limbs typically include individuals showing symptoms such as muscle weakness, tingling, cramps, pain, or similar neurological symptoms. This test can be useful in diagnosing various neurological conditions such as neuropathies, muscle diseases, or nerve damage.


Prior to the examination, patients may be advised to avoid using lotions or creams on the skin as they may interfere with the electrodes. It is also important to inform the physician of any allergic reactions to adhesive patches or metal to ensure there are no adverse effects during the testing.


EMG is typically conducted by placing electrodes on specific areas of the skin and then recording electrical signals transmitted between the nerves and muscles. The physician or technician will monitor and record muscle reactions to electrical impulses to assess their function.


EMG results can provide information about the condition of muscles and nerves and help in diagnosing specific neurological disorders. These results can be useful in determining the cause of the patient's symptoms and establishing an appropriate treatment plan.


EMG is a safe procedure, but patients should be cautious and cooperate with the physician during the examination. It is important to follow the instructions of the medical staff and inform them of any unusual sensations or discomfort during the testing.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator