Laser endoscopic sinus surgery
Sinus surgery is often the only solution for sinus diseases that cause headaches, feeling tired, weakened sense of smell and resonance disorder - speaking through the nose. Sinuses, that is, inflammation of the sinuses, is a common reason why patients visit an otorhinolaryngologist. Sinuses are cavities in the bones of the headlined with respiratory mucosa and connected to the nasal cavity. Inflammation of the sinuses leads to drainage of secretions from the nose towards the pharynx with chronic irritation of the pharynx, sputum and stimulating cough. On the occasion of the slightest physical effort, because they cannot breathe well through their nose, they start breathing through their mouth, with the consequent chronic inflammation of the pharynx and painful and difficult swallowing. Sinus inflammation prevents the proper exchange of air through the Eustachian tube and leads to ear inflammation with a feeling of pressure in the ear and tinnitus. Sleep is restless, snoring is often present, and patients wake up tired and sleepless. After a cold bath, it takes a long time for the secretion of mucus in the nose to normalize, and there is a long-lasting feeling of mucus flowing down the throat.
Nasal polyps (lumpy growths in the nose) are caused by thickening and swelling of the lining of the sinuses and occur in chronic sinus inflammation, allergy sufferers or people who cannot tolerate salicylates in food or medicine. Polyps in the nose further reduce or completely prevent the passage of the nasal cavities and worsen the symptoms of the disease. Sinusitis and nasal polyps must be actively treated, including sinus surgery, to prevent the complications that sinusitis can cause by spreading the disease to the eye and brain. In addition to inflammation of the nose and inflammation of the sinuses, the appearance of tumours that require urgent diagnosis and treatment is possible.
When antibiotics, anti-allergic drugs, drops and sprays for the nose, aerosols, inhalations and the like no longer help, modern sinus disease treatment focuses on precise microsurgical interventions aimed at the targeted resolution of the pathology, which enables the fastest possible recovery and return to daily activities. FESS sinus surgery is often combined with nasal septum and turbinate surgery because the changes in them are interrelated. Since the causes of sinus disease are often complex, even after the operation, it will be necessary to continue the previous conservative therapy with drugs that will now be able to work more efficiently and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
Before deciding on the type of treatment, we carry out a detailed diagnosis, which includes rhinoscopy, nasal endoscopy, fiberendoscopy, patency measurements (rhinomanometry). It is necessary to perform computerized tomography of the sinuses - CT of the sinuses or even better CB-CT of the sinuses, where the exposure to radiation is much lower than with classic CT. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which presupposes an examination by our anesthesiologist, laboratory tests, EKG and spirometry. The use of modern painkillers ensures the absence of pain after surgery.
FESS sinus surgery is performed endoscopically, through both nostrils, without visible external incisions. The use of the most modern Nd-YAG laser and radiofrequency, in contrast to classical treatment, enables minimal tissue trauma and accelerates recovery. A prerequisite for modern nose and sinus surgery in the conditions of a day hospital are specially trained specialists with excellent knowledge of endoscopic and microsurgical techniques, the most modern equipment and instruments, as well as the entire team available to patients. The international reputation of our clinic's experts is a guarantee of quality that follows all new trends in order to offer our patients the possibility of treatment at an international level. In patients in whom, for some reason, extensive sinus surgery is not possible, endonasal endoscopic removal of polyps with a laser enables quick recovery and relief of complaints for a long time.
Our many years of experience in conjunction with precise surgical technique enable sinus, septum and nasal concha operations to be performed as part of day surgery, which means that the patient leaves for home care a few hours after the operation. There are no visible changes on the face in terms of swelling, bruises and the like. After FESS sinus surgery, to prevent bleeding, a nasal tamponade is placed, which is removed after 1-2 days or is resorbed spontaneously - dissolves.
In the days after surgery, the mucous membrane of the nose is thickened, and it is necessary to use nasal drops and emulsion to relieve edema and speed up recovery. A return to daily activities is possible after a week, and physical activity after 3 weeks.
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