Kidney Cyst Aspiration


Kidney cyst aspiration is a medical procedure in which a needle is inserted into a cyst on the kidney to drain the fluid or collect samples for laboratory analysis. This procedure can help relieve symptoms, reduce the cyst, and diagnose the cause of the cyst.


Candidates for kidney cyst aspiration include: Individuals with large or symptomatic cysts that cause pain, discomfort, or impaired kidney function. Individuals whose cyst shows signs of infection or bleeding. Individuals with suspected malignancy in the cyst requiring further diagnosis. Patients with a history of recurrent cysts that interfere with daily life or kidney function.


Preparation for kidney cyst aspiration includes: Informing the Doctor: The patient should inform the doctor about all medications they are taking, especially anticoagulants or blood thinners. Tests: Blood tests and imaging tests (ultrasound, CT) may be performed to precisely locate the cyst and assess the condition of the kidneys. Fasting: The patient may be advised not to eat or drink for several hours before the procedure, depending on the doctor's recommendations.


The procedure for kidney cyst aspiration generally includes the following steps: Arrival at the Hospital or Clinic: The patient arrives for the scheduled procedure. Patient Preparation: The patient lies on an examination table, and the area where the aspiration will be performed is sterilized. Local Anesthesia: The puncture site is anesthetized to minimize pain during the procedure. Inserting the Needle: Under ultrasound or CT guidance, a needle is carefully inserted into the cyst. Draining the Fluid: Fluid from the cyst is drained, and samples may be sent for laboratory analysis. Completing the Procedure: After the needle is removed, the puncture site is covered with a sterile bandage.


Results of kidney cyst aspiration may include: Symptom Relief: Removing the fluid can reduce pressure and pain caused by the cyst. Diagnosis: Analysis of the fluid can help diagnose the cause of the cyst, including infection or malignancy. Further Treatment: Depending on the results, the doctor may recommend further steps such as monitoring, medication, or surgery.


Complications: Although generally safe, the procedure may involve complications such as infection, bleeding, or kidney damage. Post-Procedure Monitoring: The patient may be monitored for a while after the procedure to check for signs of complications. Informing the Doctor: The patient should inform the doctor if they notice signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pain, or fever.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator