Endovenous laser ablation
Endovenous laser ablation of the legs is a medical procedure used to treat varicose veins, including large superficial veins, using laser energy.
Candidates for endovenous laser ablation of the legs are usually patients suffering from varicose veins, which can cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, fatigue, or a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Before deciding on this procedure, the patient will typically undergo an examination and diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis and assess suitability for endovenous laser ablation therapy.
Preparation for endovenous laser ablation of the legs may involve vein examination and diagnostic tests to determine the condition of the venous system and identify the veins requiring treatment. Before the procedure, patients may need to stop taking certain medications, and they will also be informed about the procedure and what to expect during therapy.
During endovenous laser ablation of the legs, thin fibers (laser fibers) are inserted into the varicose veins through small incisions in the skin. The laser is used to heat the inner wall of the vein, causing it to close and stop blood flow through that venous structure. As the vein closes, blood is redirected to healthy veins, reducing pressure and symptoms associated with varicose veins.
The results of endovenous laser ablation of the legs typically include a reduction in varicose vein symptoms such as pain, swelling, and fatigue in the legs. Most patients experience improvement after treatment, but results may vary depending on the severity of varicose veins and other individual factors.
After endovenous laser ablation of the legs, patients should follow their doctor's instructions regarding postoperative care. This may include wearing compression stockings or bandages, avoiding heavy activities for a certain period, and regular check-ups to monitor the condition of the venous system.

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