Sclerotherapy of reticular veins and capillaries
Sclerotherapy of reticular veins and capillaries on the legs is a procedure used to treat enlarged reticular veins and capillaries on the legs through injections of a sclerosing solution.
Candidates for sclerotherapy of reticular veins and capillaries are typically patients who have enlarged reticular veins and capillaries on their legs, which can cause aesthetic issues such as prominent veins and redness. Before deciding on this procedure, the patient will typically undergo an examination and diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis and assess suitability for treatment.
Preparation for sclerotherapy of reticular veins and capillaries usually involves a detailed examination of the veins and an assessment of the skin condition on the legs. Before the procedure, patients should inform their doctor of any medications they are taking, as well as any allergies they may have. They will also be informed about the procedure and potential side effects.
During sclerotherapy, the sclerosing solution is injected directly into the enlarged reticular veins and capillaries using fine needles. This solution causes damage to the inner wall of the veins and capillaries, leading to their closure. Over time, the body absorbs the closed veins and capillaries, reducing their visibility on the skin's surface.
The results of sclerotherapy of reticular veins and capillaries typically include a reduction in the visibility of enlarged veins and capillaries on the legs, improving the aesthetic appearance of the skin. Most patients notice improvement after several treatments, but it takes time to achieve full results.
After sclerotherapy, patients should avoid exposure to sunlight and heat for several days. They should also wear compression stockings or bandages as directed by their doctor and avoid heavy physical activities during the recovery period. Regular check-ups and monitoring by a doctor will help ensure successful treatment outcomes.

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