Laser skin rejuvenation

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Skin rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser technology to stimulate skin renewal and reduce signs of aging.



Candidates for skin rejuvenation are typically individuals who want to reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, acne scars, or other signs of skin damage. This technique is usually suitable for individuals with elastic skin and relatively few previous skin health issues.


Prior to skin rejuvenation, a consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetic expert is recommended to assess the skin condition and determine the suitability of the procedure. It may also be necessary to avoid certain skincare products or cosmetic treatments that could affect the effectiveness of the treatment.


During skin rejuvenation, intense light pulses are directed toward the skin to stimulate collagen production and promote skin renewal. This can result in tighter skin, reduced wrinkles and pigmentation, and improved skin texture. The treatment may cause a temporary stinging or warming sensation on the skin.


The results of skin rejuvenation may include reduced wrinkles, even skin tone, decreased pigmentation or scarring, and an overall healthier appearance of the skin. Achieving the desired results typically requires a series of treatments at appropriate intervals.


Nakon tretmana važno je izbjegavati sunčevu svjetlost te koristiti kreme s visokim zaštitnim faktorom kako bi se zaštitila osjetljiva koža. Redovita hidratacija kože također može pomoći u smanjenju iritacije ili suhoće kože nakon tretmana.

ZagrebMed patient reviews

Alan J. Tullio, USA
Verified patient

I would strongly, highly recommend ZagrebMed. I was connected to an excellent doctor for my procedure with a kind and efficient staff.

More than this, I must highly complement Patient Coordinator Ivana, who could not do enough for us. She made us feel at home in Zagreb and we left feeling like we had a friend there we could depend on. She efficiently took care of every problem.

And as for ZagrebMed founder Ivan Rendulic, upon whom we depended daily, he proved time and again to be a kind, caring friend and an excellent administrator.

ZagrebMed is an excellent institution and we will use it again when the need arises.

Thank you, ZagrebMed.

Anamaria Kulusic, Croatia
Verified patient

Friendly staff!


Who can come for laser rejuvenation?

This treatment is used by both men and women who want to improve the appearance of their skin. It treats sagging, loose skin, skin with superficial wrinkles, redness, dark spots or enlarged pores.

What are the side effects after laser skin rejuvenation?

Common side effects are redness and swelling that does not last longer than 24-48 hours. Less common side effects are changes in pigmentation, swelling and scarring. This is very rare and usually lasts a few days.

What should you watch out for after the treatment?

After the treatment, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure to the sun for at least 7 - 10 days and use protective creams with SPF 50+.

When are the results of laser skin rejuvenation visible?

Most people notice results immediately after the treatment. As a rule, you will see results in two to four weeks. A few months after the treatment, the skin will continue to improve.

How is the treatment performed?

The results are achieved using a powerful diode laser which, thanks to the light process, enables the control of thermal damage to the skin, which leads to the gradual remodeling of collagen while preserving the epidermis.

Will I see redness after the treatment?

After the treatment, the treated area will be slightly red. The redness will subside within a few minutes, and the skin will calm down overnight.

How many treatments are needed?

Depending on the condition of the skin, the expert recommends the number of treatments needed to achieve the desired results.

Which laser do you use for rejuvenation?

We perform laser skin rejuvenation with the powerful diode laser MeDioStar NeXT, from the German company Asclepion Laser Technologies, which offers the most up-to-date and modern lasers on the market.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator