Wood examination

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Wood's lamp examination, also known as a Wood's light or Wood's test, is a diagnostic procedure used in dermatology and general medicine to identify certain dermatological conditions, such as fungal skin infections or pigmentation changes.


The Wood's lamp examination is typically used for patients who are suspected to have certain skin conditions such as dermatomycosis (fungal skin infections), vitiligo (thinning or loss of skin pigmentation), or porphyria (a group of rare genetic disorders associated with issues in hemoglobin production).


There is no specific preparation for the Wood's lamp examination. However, patients are typically advised to avoid applying cosmetics or products to the skin before the examination to ensure a clearer visualization.


During the Wood's lamp examination, a physician uses a Wood's lamp or Wood's light that emits a specific type of ultraviolet light. By holding the lamp close to the skin, the physician examines the skin area to identify changes in pigmentation or the appearance of fluorescence that may indicate certain dermatological issues.


The results of the Wood's lamp examination can reveal various dermatological changes such as fungal infections or changes in skin pigmentation. These results can assist the physician in making a diagnosis and planning further treatment.


Physicians typically recommend wearing protective eyewear during the Wood's lamp examination to avoid direct eye contact with ultraviolet light. It is also essential to follow the physician's instructions during the procedure to ensure the safe and effective application of the technique.

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