Anesthesiologist's examination
An anesthesiologist's examination is a specialist examination that, based on the history, clinical examination, and insight into laboratory and other diagnostic processing, assesses your condition so that the surgical procedure or diagnostic-therapeutic procedure goes without complications.
An examination is required if you are undergoing surgery under regional or general anesthesia and if you are undergoing a diagnostic therapeutic procedure under short-term intravenous anesthesia.
For the examination, it is necessary to bring previous medical documentation, EKG, X-ray of the heart and lungs, laboratory findings, the findings of the specialist with whom you are being checked for chronic diseases (see under One-day surgery - For the patient - Pre-operative preparation).
The examination includes a review of your medical documentation and laboratory findings, an auscultation and palpation examination, and a conversation with you in order to obtain a complete insight into your psychophysical condition.
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