Complete body check up
A physical examination is a complete, detailed examination of the body and most organs ("from head to toe"). It is recommended to take it once a year or once every two years, depending on age, health status or the existence of risk factors. Older age, chronic diseases, positive family history and the existence of other risk factors justify more frequent physical examinations. One preventive examination provides you with a complete insight into your medical condition and the opportunity to consult with specialists about maintaining your health and/or possible further treatment of the problems that have arisen.
You need a physical examination for early disease detection and timely treatment. Nowadays, according to frequency and mortality, diseases of the circulatory system are in first place, followed immediately by malignant diseases, then respiratory diseases, rheumatic and other diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet, stress, smoking and insufficient physical activity are considered risk factors for the development of these diseases. Often, the risk factors of these diseases, otherwise latently present for months and years, are revealed during a physical examination. The success of treatment and the prognosis of malignant diseases (prostate cancer in men, breast and uterine cancer in women, colon cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer) significantly depend on the timely detection of the disease. However, they often develop insidiously, without any or serious symptoms. Regular systematic examinations enable timely detection of some malignant changes by screening (e.g. determination of PSA concentration in all men over the age of 40, examination and ultrasound of the breast in all women, determination of blood in the stool in all persons over the age of 50) or targeted diagnostics in family members of people suffering from cancer.
Come on an empty stomach - at least 4 hours before the examination, do not eat or drink (except water). Bring previous medical documentation.
If, during the physical examination, the need to control a previously existing disease emerges or a new one is detected, it is suggested to supplement the standard program and perform additional tests or diagnostic procedures (e.g. if an increased blood glucose concentration is found, HbA1c is determined or if an enlarged thyroid gland is found, other tests related to the function of the thyroid gland and ultrasound of the thyroid gland are performed if necessary).
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