Diabetes examination
A diabetologist's examination is a subspecialist examination consisting of a detailed history (conversation with the patient about the onset of complaints) and a physical examination of all systems. The purpose is to establish a diagnosis and, if the disease is already known, to check whether it corresponds to the actual condition, to evaluate metabolic regulation and previous therapy, to check whether there are already chronic complications, which systems are affected, and to what extent, and whether there are other diseases in parallel that can significantly affect the condition and therapeutic choice.
You need an examination in order to confirm or rule out the diagnosis of diabetes and to get all the necessary guidelines for treatment. You also need it after you notice symptoms of diabetes or when there is a suspicion of the disease, usually at the suggestion of a family doctor or an internist.
No special preparation is required for a diabetes examination, but as other tests (laboratory, EKG, ultrasound of abdominal organs, etc.) are also sometimes done, it is good to be on an empty stomach when coming to the examination.
After the physical examination and checking the medical history, as well as getting an insight into the available documentation and laboratory findings, a new therapeutic plan is presented along with basic information to the patient about the state of his disease, prognosis, principles of diabetic nutrition and agreement on short-term and long-term goals. The examination lasts 40 to 60 minutes.
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