Nephrology examination
During a nephrological examination performed by a specialist in internal medicine specializing in nephrology, when kidney disease is suspected, the necessary laboratory and radiological work-up is used to determine which disease it is. A nephrologist monitors patients with previously known kidney diseases in order to prevent further deterioration of kidney function, but also patients who are being treated with replacement of kidney function (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and monitors patients with a transplanted kidney.
Disturbances in laboratory findings discovered by chance or during physical examination of urine or blood or by some imaging method (ultrasound, x-ray, CT, MR, radioisotope examination) are a frequent cause of concern for the person in whom the disorder was detected and can be a sign of an unrecognized disease of the urinary system. Some of the most common internal diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes can lead to severe kidney damage (chronic kidney disease) after which life is not possible without replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation). Some of the diseases that do not directly threaten life, such as recurring bacterial infections of the urinary tract, significantly affect the quality of life and are the reason for the frequent use of antimicrobial therapy with all its consequences. In such patients, a detailed treatment is required to try to recognize and remove the cause of the disease and the factors that favour it. Nephrology, as part of internal medicine, deals with diseases and disorders of the kidneys and urinary system. These diseases, especially those with a chronic course, very often manifest themselves with few signs and symptoms, which is why they are difficult to detect and the diagnosis is made late, already in the advanced stage of the disease.
It is necessary to prepare all existing medical documentation. It is preferable to come to the examination on an empty stomach due to possible laboratory tests.
On the basis of a complete internist examination (anamnesis and physical examination) along with specific questions related to diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, as well as an insight into the existing health documentation, the nephrologist makes a final diagnosis of the disease or a differential diagnosis, proposes a test plan and, after establishing which disease it is, a treatment plan.
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