Reosteosynthesis of the patella
Reosteosynthesis of the patella is a surgical procedure used to stabilize and repair fractures or other injuries to the patella (kneecap) using osteosynthesis techniques, such as screws, wires, or plates.
Candidates for this procedure are individuals who have sustained fractures or severe damage to the patella, typically due to trauma or accidents. Patients with patellar fractures that are displaced or unstable may require reosteosynthesis to restore proper alignment and function.
Preparation for the treatment involves a thorough evaluation of the patient's medical history, physical examination, and imaging studies (such as X-rays or MRI) to assess the extent and severity of the patellar injury. Blood tests and other preoperative evaluations may also be conducted to ensure the patient is healthy enough for surgery.
The treatment itself is performed under general or regional anesthesia and involves making an incision over the patella to access the fractured bone. The fragments of the fractured patella are then realigned, and osteosynthesis devices such as screws, wires, or plates are used to stabilize the bone and promote healing. The surgeon carefully positions the implants to ensure proper alignment and stability of the patella.
The results of reosteosynthesis of the patella can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the fracture, the patient's overall health, and adherence to postoperative rehabilitation protocols. In general, patients can expect reduced pain, improved knee function, and restoration of mobility and strength over time. However, full recovery may take several weeks to months, and rehabilitation exercises are often necessary to regain strength and range of motion.
Precautionary measures following surgery include monitoring for signs of infection, blood clots, or other complications, as well as adhering to postoperative instructions provided by the surgeon. These may include restrictions on weight-bearing activities, physical therapy exercises, and follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress and adjust treatment as needed.
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