The surgery of tuberositas tibia transposition
The surgery of tuberositas tibia transposition is a surgical procedure used to correct knee problems such as patellar dislocation or subluxation. In this procedure, the tuberosity of the tibia (a small bony protrusion on the front of the tibia) is relocated or reconstructed to improve knee stability and function.
Candidates for tuberosity tibia transposition surgery are usually individuals with recurrent patellar tendon dislocations or other issues causing knee instability.
Preparation for treatment may involve a medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests to determine the patient's suitability for surgery.
The treatment itself is typically performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon accesses the front part of the tibia and relocates the tuberosity of the tibia to a new position to improve knee stability. Ligament reconstruction may sometimes be used to further strengthen the knee structure.
Results of tuberosity tibia transposition surgery may vary depending on the severity of the knee problem and postoperative rehabilitation. Most patients notice improved knee stability and reduced pain after recovery. However, it is important to have realistic expectations and work with a physical therapist during the rehabilitation process to achieve optimal results.
Precautionary measures after surgery include following the doctor's instructions for wound care, limiting knee loading during the recovery period, and regularly monitoring the progress of rehabilitation. It is necessary to avoid activities that could overload the knee and disrupt the healing process.
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