MSCT of joints

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MSCT (Multislice Computed Tomography) of the joints is a diagnostic procedure that utilizes X-rays and computer processing to create detailed imaging of the internal structures of the joints. 


Candidates for MSCT joint examination are typically individuals experiencing symptoms or issues with their joints such as pain, swelling, damage, or injury. This procedure can help identify various conditions such as fractures, arthritis, ligament damage, or other joint disorders.


Before the MSCT examination, patients may be advised to abstain from eating or drinking for a certain period before the procedure, depending on the area of the body being examined. It is also important to inform the doctor about any previous allergic reactions to contrast agents or medications.


During the MSCT examination, the patient lies on a table that slowly moves through the opening in the scanner. The scanner emits X-rays to capture cross-sectional or three-dimensional images of the internal structures of the joints. The procedure is usually painless and takes only a few minutes.


MSCT examination provides detailed images of the internal structures of the joints, enabling physicians to identify potential issues or conditions. This can help in establishing an accurate diagnosis and planning appropriate treatment for the patient.


After the MSCT examination, patients may receive instructions regarding further steps or treatment if any problems are identified. If contrast medium was used, increased fluid intake may be recommended to facilitate the elimination of the contrast from the body. In case of any unusual symptoms or reactions, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

ZagrebMed patient reviews

Kata Vrancic, Croatia
Verified patient
Procedure: MRI of the spine
Hospital: Sinteza

Extremely kind, fast, above all expectations, thank you

Sara Majhen, Croatia
Verified patient

Fast and quality service, very helpful and friendly staff.


What is MSCT of joints?

MSCT (Multislice Computed Tomography) of joints is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses multiple X-ray beams to create detailed cross-sectional images of the joints, providing valuable information about their structure and potential issues.

Why is MSCT of joints performed?

MSCT of joints is performed to assess joint conditions such as fractures, dislocations, arthritis, and other abnormalities. It helps doctors make accurate diagnoses and plan appropriate treatment.

How is MSCT of joints different from traditional X-rays?

MSCT provides more detailed images than traditional X-rays due to its ability to capture cross-sectional slices of the joint. This helps identify complex issues that may not be clearly visible on conventional X-rays.

Is MSCT of joints a painful procedure?

No, MSCT of joints is not painful. The procedure is non-invasive and painless, involving the patient lying still on a table as the CT scanner captures images.

How should I prepare for an MSCT of joints?

The preparation for MSCT of joints may involve fasting, avoiding certain medications, and wearing comfortable clothing without metal accessories. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions.

Are there any risks associated with MSCT of joints?

MSCT of joints involves exposure to ionizing radiation, but the benefits of accurate diagnosis often outweigh the risks. The amount of radiation is kept as low as possible, and protective measures are taken.

How long does an MSCT of joints procedure take?

The duration of an MSCT of joints procedure depends on the area being examined, but it usually takes around 15 to 30 minutes.

Can I eat or drink before an MSCT of joints?

Depending on the type of scan, you may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for a few hours before the procedure. Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions.

What can I expect after an MSCT of joints?

After the procedure, you can resume your normal activities. The images will be reviewed by a radiologist, and your doctor will discuss the results with you.

Is MSCT of joints safe for pregnant women?

Pregnant women are generally advised to avoid CT scans unless absolutely necessary due to the potential risks of radiation exposure to the developing fetus.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator