Comprehensive genetic profiling (500 genes DNA + RNA) using NGS


Comprehensive genetic profiling (500 genes DNA + RNA) using NGS (next-generation sequencing) is an advanced technology that allows for detailed examination of a large number of genes simultaneously. This method utilizes sophisticated techniques to sequence DNA and RNA to identify mutations, gene expressions, and other genetic changes that may be relevant for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment selection for patients with various diseases, including cancer.


Candidates for comprehensive genetic profiling include patients suffering from cancer or other complex diseases where it is important to understand the molecular characteristics of the tumor or condition. It may also be recommended for patients for whom standard diagnostic methods have not been sufficiently informative or when a personalized treatment approach is necessary.


Preparation for comprehensive genetic profiling involves collecting a sample of tissue, blood, or other biological materials containing DNA and RNA. The sample is then processed in a laboratory where nucleic acids are isolated and prepared for sequencing. Patients are often advised to consult with a genetic counselor before the test to understand the potential benefits, risks, and implications of the results.


Meeting with the doctor after genetic profiling includes a thorough analysis of the sequencing results. The doctor will explain the findings, including any identified genetic mutations and their potential significance for the patient's disease. They will also discuss possible treatment options based on specific genetic changes and provide recommendations for further monitoring or additional tests if needed.


Results from comprehensive genetic profiling provide detailed information on specific genetic changes that can impact disease progression and response to therapy. These results may include DNA mutations that affect tumor growth and changes in gene expression at the RNA level. Based on this information, doctors can develop personalized treatment plans that target specific genetic abnormalities.


Precautions after genetic profiling include carefully considering the doctor's recommendations and potential changes in therapy. Patients should maintain regular communication with their doctor to monitor the effects of any treatment changes and to identify potential side effects or needs for adjustments early. It is also important to understand that genetic profiling may reveal hereditary mutations that could affect family members, which might require further counseling and testing.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator