Ultrasonographic examination of the joints

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Ultrasonographic examination of the joints is a diagnostic method that uses ultrasound waves to create images of the internal structures of joints, including shoulders, elbows, wrist joints, hands, knees, ankles, feet, and other parts of the body. This technique provides physicians with insight into the condition of joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other soft tissues.


Candidates for UZV of the joints include individuals who experience pain, swelling, limited mobility, or other symptoms related to the joints. UZV is often used to diagnose various conditions, including injuries, inflammation, arthritis, calcifications, and other changes in the structure of joints.


Preparation for the UZV of the joints is typically not required. Patients can come for the examination without special preparations. However, they should inform the doctor about their medical history, especially if they have metal implants in the body, as this may affect the procedure.


The UZV examination of the joints looks like this: 1. Patient preparation: The patient usually lies or sits, depending on the joint being examined. 2. Application of gel: Gel is applied to the skin to improve the contact between the ultrasound probe and the skin. 2. Ultrasound examination: The doctor or radiologist uses an ultrasound probe that emits sound waves and captures echoes used to create images of the internal structures of the joints. 4. Analysis of results: During the examination, the doctor can monitor joint movements and analyze tissue structure to make a diagnosis. 5. Conclusion: After completing the examination, the doctor will share the results with the patient.


The results of UZV of the joints allow for precise diagnosis and planning further treatment. The physician can observe the presence of inflammation, damage, cysts, fluid, or other changes in the joints.


Precautions after the UZV examination are usually not necessary, as it is a non-invasive procedure. Patients can continue with their normal activities after the examination. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions regarding further steps in diagnosis and treatment based on the results of the UZV examination.

ZagrebMed patient reviews

Kata Vrancic, Croatia
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Procedure: MRI of the spine
Hospital: Sinteza

Extremely kind, fast, above all expectations, thank you

Sara Majhen, Croatia
Verified patient

Fast and quality service, very helpful and friendly staff.


What is joint ultrasound?

Joint ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of joints and surrounding structures.

Why is joint ultrasound performed?

Ultrasound is used to diagnose and monitor various joint conditions, including inflammation, injuries, fluid in the joint cavity, and other changes.

Is joint ultrasound painful?

No, joint ultrasound is usually painless. Patients may feel mild discomfort only during the application of the ultrasound probe on the skin.

How long does a joint ultrasound procedure take?

The duration depends on the number and complexity of the joints being examined but typically takes 15-30 minutes.

How to prepare for a joint ultrasound?

Preparation is minimal. It is usually recommended to wear loose clothing that allows access to the areas being examined.

Can I eat before a joint ultrasound?

Yes, there are no specific restrictions regarding food intake before a joint ultrasound.

Can I get the results immediately after a joint ultrasound?

In some cases, the radiologist or ultrasound specialist may provide preliminary information right after the examination, but the final report usually follows after a more detailed analysis.

Is joint ultrasound safe for pregnant women?

Yes, joint ultrasound is considered safe during pregnancy as it does not use ionizing radiation.

How reliable is joint ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a reliable method for visualizing soft tissues in and around joints, but the accuracy of the examination may depend on the experience and expertise of the examiner.

When is joint ultrasound recommended in diagnostics?

Joint ultrasound is recommended when there is suspicion of issues such as inflammation, injuries, cystic changes, or other conditions that can be visualized with ultrasound.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator